concept for what causes dark circles

What Causes Dark Circles?

What causes dark circles? Dark circles can appear on an individual’s face for multiple reasons. When they do, they can add an unpleasant aura and appearance of tiredness, making someone feel more self-conscious about their appearance. Learning what might be causing your own dark circles can be a step towards resolving this issue in yourself. … Read more

featured image for lifestyle factors that lead to dark circles

Lifestyle Factors That Lead to Dark Circles

If you wake up with consistently dark circles or growing bags under your eyes, you may deal with more stress than you realize. The result of illness and fatigue shows up on your face first, making you look more aged and sickly by the day. Whether or not you are taking proactive steps to boost … Read more

featured image for what causes fat deposits below the eyes

What Causes Fat Deposits Below the Eyes?

The eyes are one of the first parts of the body to exhibit the unfortunate signs of aging. Due to their sensitive nature, this part of the body is prone to alterations that can change their entire character. Below we explore what causes fat deposits below the eyes. What Causes Fat Deposits Below the Eyes? … Read more

concept of woman checking if aging cause dark circles in mirrow

Why Does Aging Cause Dark Circles?

Whether you are unusually stressed or tired these days, you may be starting to notice the emergence of dark circles below your eyes. These dark spots and bags under the eyes are one of the most common symptoms of aging, but there may be other stress-related factors causing your skin to age too rapidly. It … Read more

Two people with dark circles that are not tired

Can You Have Dark Circles If You Are Not Tired?

Dark circles affect us all from time to time, but you may notice that you seem to get them more often if not every day. While it may be possible that you’re struggling with chronic exhaustion, it’s likely a bit more straightforward. Permanent dark circles under the eyes are usually the result of either genetics … Read more

Woman wondering if dark circles are genetic while applying cream.

Are Dark Circles Genetic?

Dark circles may not be physically harmful, but they’re definitely irritating. Anyone who regularly sports dark circles under their eyes knows how annoying it can be to have to endlessly tell people that they are, in fact, okay. Of course, their concern comes from a good place. Dark circles can be caused by fatigue, allergies, … Read more